Welcome to ManabiDojo

This is the official website of the ManabiDojo project. Our goal is to offer tools for learning Japanese through anime. Please be aware that we are currently in the early stages of development. Our immediate plans involve adding support for more anime content and implementing some features to facilitate studying. Right now, our platform only supports Crunchyroll, but we would like to expand to other platforms in the future.

How to use

  1. Hide sidepanel
  2. Toggle autoscroll to the current sequence in the sidepanel
  3. Open settings
  4. Play the sequence
  5. Buttons for adjusting subtitles' offset
  6. Report faulty subtitles
  1. Search selected chunk on websites Jotoba.de or Jisho.org
  2. Switch between explanations for words or kanji within the selected chunk
  1. Copy the selected text to clipboard
  2. Selected text
  3. Search selected text on various websites
  4. Build your own Google query to search the selected text, either from a pre-selected dropdown menu or type your own search-phrases
  1. Adjust subtitles size
  2. Hovering over the subtitle area will pause the video
  3. Determines when the original subtitles (e.g. English) are shown. Pause - Show the original subtitles only when the video is paused. Permament - Original subtitles are always shown. Hidden - Original subtitles are always hidden
  4. Adjust the vertical position of all subtitles in the video player
  5. Change the default time interval when navigating within the video using arrow keys
  6. Toggle hiragana located under the Japanese subtitles
  1. Click the Manabi icon to open a dropdown menu
  2. Open a popup for searching supported shows
  3. Disables Manabi overlay completely. Reverts back to the original Crunchyroll subtitles
  4. Opens a dialog that will take you here
  1. Search field for supported anime
  2. Shows a list of all available anime
  3. Either a list of supported seasons or number of supported episodes (shounen anime)
  4. Link that takes you to the anime's main page
  1. Toggle notes-creation mode
  2. Clear the selected meanings
  3. Save the note
  4. Select meanings that will be on the note
  1. Toggle notes-creation mode
  2. Expand the input text field
  3. Save the note
  4. User defined text that will be on the note
  1. Toggle the Notes view
  2. Play the note sequence
  3. Delete the note
  4. Click on the note to pause the video and jump to beginning of the note's subtitle sequence
  1. Open the Drop menu and select Notes to open this view
  2. Delete one or multiple episodes' notes
  3. Delete all notes for an episode
  4. Information about the episode's notes and the link to this episode